PST (Peptide Separation Technology) Columns from Waters Corporation


Peptide Separation Technology provides a consistent set of chromatographic tools for peptide isolation and analysis. Waters Peptide Separation Technology columns are based on C18 BEH Technology™ particles, ranging from 1.7 µm to 10 µm

  • Nano-scale to preparative HPLC and UPLC® columns
  • Multiple pore and particle sizes
  • Over 125 column choices
  • Integral to Waters Assured Performance Solutions, which combine instrumentation, chemistry and software optimized for specific applications
  • Improved separation of a wide range of peptides in both TFA and Formic Acid eluents
  • Narrow, symmetrical peaks for best resolution
  • Good peak shape and retention
  • Unique column chemistry with the benefits of sub-2 µm particles for ultimate resolution
  • QC-tested with a peptide map, ensuring stability of well-developed peptide separation methods